


Education background

2012.9-2016.9 / University / Financial Accounting / Undergraduate

Major courses: basic accounting, financial management, accounting computerization, finance, auditing, financial analysis, tax accounting, cost management accounting, management, advanced mathematics, statistics, marketing, college English, economic law Wait


Workf experience

2018.9-2019.6 / xxxxxxxx    / Financial Accounting Specialist

work description:

1. Carry out financial accounting such as company income, expenses and cost, and make a comprehensive record of the company's business activities, current payments, and property and jianlixiazai.cn materials;
2. Accept the inspection and supervision of taxation, auditing and other departments, provide the required information in a timely and accurate manner, and maintain good communication and coordination with all parties;
3. Cash and bank receipt and payment processing, production of accounting vouchers, bank reconciliation, document review, issue and custody of invoices.


professional skills

1. Financial accounting, accounting and other related majors;

2. 3 years of experience in overall account processing, accounting qualification certificate;

3. skilled operation of King or UF financial software, Word, Excel, has used enterprise management software.


About me

I am responsible, meticulous and meticulous; good professional ethics, understanding of national financial and economic policies and accounting, tax regulations, familiar with bank settlement business.Agile thinking, strong ability to accept, able to think independently, good at summing up work experience; good communication, organization and coordination, good work responsibility and teamwork spirit.





更新时间:2022-11-22 20:17类别:简历模板

财务会计英文个人简历模板,牛皮纸背景,整体界面素雅文艺风格,英文简历,简历模板包含了Education background、Workf experience、professional skills、About me等模块内容,主体文字、图标均可替换修改,适用于财务会计、会计等相关的英文个人简历主题设计应用。


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