编号: 23051303311
分类: 精品音效
情绪: 感动,温馨,梦幻,紧张,温暖,轻松,舒缓,悬疑,恐怖
乐器: 人声,自然,合成器
风格: 电子,氛围,科技,轻音乐,古风,流行
时长: 00:00
授权地域: 中国

slow panoramic opening featuring ethnic whistle over strings, repetitive voice textures join 1'05 with contemporary beats 1'47 mystical and smooth middle section with various ethnic sounds 2'33 back to main theme featuring repetitive voice textures, ethnic stringed and wind instruments 3'38 break and ending section; positive, mystical, floating, Eastern architecture, industry and travel
