编号: 23061906245
分类: 精品音效
情绪: 放松,搞笑,悬念,紧张,开心,伤感,恐怖
乐器: 人声,自然,合成器
风格: 电子,氛围,科技,轻音乐,古风,流行
时长: 00:00
授权地域: 中国

This take was realized almost completely by using original Sampled of the Fairlight's library (SARRAR, SWANEE, CHOIR 5, CAMILLA etc.). Only the surf is not a factory sample but was recorded at the beach of Kokkari (Isle of Samos/Greece). The hiss to be heard is the result of the Fairlight's vintage 8-Bit resolution.

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